Sunday, October 23, 2011

Bumps in the Night

So its been a while since ive blogged and ive caught a bit of grief recently from boyfriend.   i  can understand his irritation, it makes it hard for him to delve into full "Nikki-ism" when i spend more time with him rather than on my computer writing here we are!  its been a crazy few weeks but somehow ive managed to survive unscathed, from Ghost tours to extended work hours staying up all night, cold weather, no caffeine...idk what id do without my coffee anymore!  so lets get started!  ive decided to just pour into my blog, as of right now i dont really have a direction i want to take with it so ill just use it as a creative outlet.  some cook some craft some, i shall write. 

Friday Night boyfriend and i went on a ghost walk in Colonial Williamsburg, it was interesting to say the least, although we didnt see anything spooky or scary we did have a nice time walking around in the cool autumn night enjoying the history and each others company.  i would have enjoyed it more, if i hadnt ended up in the stocks at the courthouse.  apparently spousal disobedience is frowned upon within those areas, and though we arent married (and after ending up in the stocks and the rule of thumb, im not sure i am ready for such a commitment!) apparently I was voluntold to bunker down.  thats ok, paybacks are sooo much fun :) 

after said ghost tour we went out for drinks and finally to 230 am, where i had to be up for work at 4am for a 10 hour day followed by a job interview. i tell you what if i get that job ill be impressed, i was so tired from working all day on no sleep that itll be a miracle, which embarasses me a bit since im usually pretty good at these types of things :)  i can only sit and hope it went well enough that ill hear back by the end of the week that they would like to see me again!

i think ill start a blog challenge, i had a friend send one to me once and maybe it will help guide me a bit until i can get a sense of what i want to accomplish here, i dont want this to be a place where all you do is read about my life, i want to make a difference, make someone smile or realize something amazing.  so lets continue on and see where it leads!
